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Find Korean Conjugations with Ease

Hanji helps Korean language learners find conjugations for Korean verbs and adjectives.

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Your New Dictionary

Like a regular dictionary, Hanji comes with over 20,000 words, examples, synonyms, and antonyms. Unlike a regular dictionary, Hanji provides conjugations for every verb and adjective entry. Select your favorite conjugations so they’re available at a glance!

All the Conjugations

Hanji has over 70 conjugations for every verb and adjective! It’s easy to switch between honorific and regular forms, and conjugations are organized by type, tense, and formality so you can find the conjugation you’re looking for with ease.

Grammar Made Simple

It’s not enough to be able look up a Korean conjugation. In order to really learn a conjugation, you need to see how it’s formed. Hanji has simple explanations for every conjugation, as well as helpful pronunciation information such as English and Hangul romanizations.


  • Absolutely Amazing

    Easy to use, really clean interface, free version is supported by ads but they don't interfere with the use of the app. This has become my go-to app for looking up verbs.

    Bridget via Google Play Store

  • Great For All Learners

    I love the new update. I search in this app so often because it's so useful. Great for all levels of learners in my opinion. Thank you so much!

    Stav Shimoni via Google Play Store

  • Simple and Easy to Use

    It has helped me greatly in my Korean studies. It is very simple and easy to use. I really recommend it if you need a quick way to find the conjugations to Korean verbs depending on the tense and level of formality.

    Mary via Google Play Store

  • Very Useful

    This app is very useful to me. Forget verbix, this is THE app that you need if you just started learning Korean. It can help you to progress further. Good job to the developer.

    Firdaus Juzup via Google Play Store

  • Exactly What I Need

    Really user friendly and exactly what I need. Thank you :)

    Ailsa Kim via Google Play Store

  • Wonderful App

    Wonderful app that has been a great help to my studies of the Korean language.

    Mmaya via Google Play Store

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